In the parable of the Mustard seed God compares the mustard seed to the faith and love you have for the Lord. It starts out as a tiny mustard seed and then depending on what you do to nurture it, …[Continue]
Jesus is the Light
Another common theme found throughout the bible is that Jesus is compared to a light, or the sun. You can use crafts in your lessons while you’re trying to teach this concept that young children will grasp quite quickly: 1. …[Continue]
Birth of Jesus
When it comes to lessons from the bible, there are hundreds of things you can teach about Jesus and hundreds more to choose as crafts to supplement your lesson too. Here’s an idea for the birth of Jesus: 1. Nativity …[Continue]
Noah’s Ark
As if coming up with a lesson in Sunday school wasn’t enough, but coming up with a bible lesson craft just puts the icing on the cake. Sunday school isn’t supposed to be hard, it’s supposed to be a place …[Continue]
Fun Lapbook Ideas
When lapbooks first hit the press (so to speak) they were very simple and easy to make. And although they are still fairly easy to make they have come a long way from being simple. There have (since the first …[Continue]
Finding a Unit for Your Lapbook
Lapbooks are quickly becoming one of the most interesting and fun ways for children to learn and for parents to help them. There are several different ways to make a lapbook and so many things you can include that children …[Continue]
Best Lapbook Websites
If you’ve experienced the lapbook craze lately you probably have already tried your hand at making one and loved it. Lapbooks have become very popular with parents who home school their children, but also with formal educators in the public …[Continue]
Benefits of Using Lapbooks
If you haven’t heard the new craze with a fun, hands on education then welcome to the wonderful world of Lapbooking. Lapbooking has become particularly popular with parents who have chosen to homeschool their children because you can get a …[Continue]
Basics of Lapbooking
Creating a lapbook can be a simple or as complex as you or your child wants to make it. There are no special tools or supplies that you need (unless you just have to have all the extras), and no …[Continue]
Three Fast and Simple Sewing Crafts for Adults
Since every adult is different there are many sewing crafts for adults to choose from. Finding the fast and simple ones however might be a bit more challenging. Some people think that just because we’re adults we need to tackle …[Continue]
Fast and Simple Dress-Up Clothes
Dress up clothes. If you have a little girl who loves to dress her doll up then this is a great way to use up some left over scraps constructively. She can help cut the clothes out of the fabric …[Continue]
Fast and Simple Bandanas and Hankies
Bandanas and Hankies. These might seem like boring sewing crafts for children to take on but they can give children almost instant gratification, which for any child is a bonus. You can buy hankies and have your child personalize them …[Continue]