Another idea for making a bookmark is to make a creature to mark the pages with. You can use a piece of foam some beady eyes, and a pipe cleaner to make an awesome bookmark. Have your child decide on …[Continue]
Make the Best Bookmark!
Reading is important to the development of your child, and as a parent, you probably want to do everything you can to encourage your child to read. One fun way to encourage reading is to make homemade bookmarks. This will …[Continue]
Craft Foam Pencil Case
Another homemade pencil case can be made out of a sheet of craft foam. For this pencil case, you will need a sheet of craft foam the size of a regular piece of paper, some craft glue, and a small …[Continue]
Decorating a Pencil Case for School
Where do you keep your pencils and pens? If you are like most people, either they go in a drawer, in a cup, or in some sort of a pencil holder. It just makes sense that they have a place. …[Continue]
Homemade Pencil Case
An idea for a pencil case that is homemade is to add a denim pocket to your child’s book bag. You will need an old pair of blue jeans with a back pocket. Cut out the piece of the jeans …[Continue]
Back to School Book Cover
Once you have the book bag ready, there will have to be some books to go in it. You can make homemade book covers to protect and personalize your child’s books. Any kind of paper can be used to make …[Continue]
Having Fun Making Pencil Toppers
Pencil toppers are good for two things: they will help your kid like his pencil, and they will help your kid not put his pencil in his mouth. Homemade pencil toppers are great because they not only look great but …[Continue]