To do this project, you will need a pair of thin knit gloves (preferably in a fall color), some pieces of felt (yellow, orange, white, black, goldenrod, tan, red and brown), washable fabric glue or hot glue, scissors and plastic …[Continue]
Garland Of Gratitude
Getting kids involved with holidays can be tough. Yes, they love holidays because it means one less day of school and presents to open or treats to eat, but they aren’t really getting the true meaning of the holiday. Luckily, …[Continue]
Paper Turkeys
Kids love making paper turkeys. It is fun and festive and easy to do. You will need black, brown, yellow, and red construction paper, squiggle eyes, feathers, orange pipe cleaners and glue. Look for instructions for making paper turkeys all …[Continue]
Make A Pilgrim
To do this craft, you will need to assist your child by first drawing a hat, buckle, circle (for a head) and shirt on a large piece or several pieces of construction paper. Then help your child cut out what …[Continue]