There are many different ways to make soy candles. Here are some great ideas to get you started: Container soy candles: You can purchase all of the supplies you need at your local craft store. These easy to make candles, …[Continue]
making soy candles
Molded Soy Candles
There are a variety of different candle molds that can be purchased at your local craft store. What you will need: Candle Molds Soy Wax Wick Double Boiler Candle Thermometer Fragrance …[Continue]
Jelly Jar Soy Candle
Making soy candles is a great alternative to beeswax. Soy wax is made from soybeans, or more specifically, from hydrogenated soybean oil. Soy candles are preferred by many crafters, because the wax is cheaper than beeswax, it is all-natural and …[Continue]