As you teach preschool students or your own preschool age child, you will find that a good source to use as you teach them is completing a craft. As a child learns how to create a craft from what they …[Continue]
memory skills
Paper Crafting with Preschoolers
Teaching a preschool student different lessons is the key to that student’s success. In preschool a student learns how to associate numbers, letters, nursery rhymes, songs, math, science and much more with what happens in their lives. The way they …[Continue]
The Benefit of Making Bible Preschool Crafts Together
Whether you are a preschool teacher or a parent of a preschool age child, teaching your children about the stories that are in the bible are very important. Each story teaches the child a lesson that she can use throughout …[Continue]
Preschool Lesson Plan Basics
Teaching preschool is a fun and interactive way for an adult to associate with preschool aged students and children. Having the right lesson plan is very important. The more effective your lesson plan is, the more the student will learn …[Continue]