Many dozens of animals can be created simply by using heart shaped cut-outs of different sizes. To start, cut out a bunch of different sized hearts. Think of an animal that you would like to re-create with hearts. Try putting …[Continue]
Candy Bug
Lots of treats are handed out for Valentine’s Day. This craft is a great idea if you are looking for a simple way of embellishing those ordinary treats so that they become something more exciting and personal. For this craft …[Continue]
Bee Mine Valentine
Valentine’s Day is a fun time of year for people of all ages. Children are especially excited when Valentine’s Day comes around because of all the activities, crafts and treats that are associated with the holiday. Kids love to make …[Continue]
Dream Catcher
: This is another really fun craft for older and younger kids to make. Because there are several different ways to make dream catchers, they make great crafts for all ages. It’s also really fun to tell children the symbolism …[Continue]
Totem Poles
There are several different types of Native American crafts you can make and get into. The Native American people are rich in culture and tradition, and as such have several symbolic crafts that kids and adults alike can make. Let’s …[Continue]
Noah’s Ark: Paper Crafts
This is definitely one of the most commonly known stories from the bible and probably one of the most fun ones. Kids love this story. Here are some ideas for Noah’s Ark: Make some paper boats to symbolize the ark. …[Continue]
Paper Crafts from the Bible
God created the world in seven days which gives you plenty of days to come up with some fun paper crafts to supplement this lesson. Here are some ideas to use: Paper garden Since the creation includes the Garden of …[Continue]
Parable of the Lost Sheep
Finding ideas for creating crafts can sometimes be difficult and very overwhelming. There are hundreds of ideas out there but how do you know where to start. Paper bible crafts can really supplement your lessons and help bring extra understanding …[Continue]
Different Types of Lapbooks
Lapbooks are quickly becoming one of the most popular ways to educate and teach your child. They are engaging, active, and are made to be developmentally appropriate for children of all ages and learning styles. If you have heard the …[Continue]
Decoupage Shoe Box
This easy to make craft can be done by crafters of any age or skill level. Decoupage has its origin from the French word “decouper” which simply means “to cut out”. The art of decoupage involves cutting out small paper …[Continue]
Flower Plant Poke
This fun craft will make a creative addition to your potted plants. Easy to follow templates are available online or feel free to design your own flower pattern. If children are making this project be sure to supervise the use …[Continue]
Gift Ideas for Scrapbookers
Scrapbooking has become one of the most popular past times in America and around the world today. With so many holidays, birthdays, and special occasions there are literally thousands of gift ideas for scrapbookers out there to choose from. It …[Continue]