Have you ever noticed that preschool songs are very repetitive? Authors, educators and song writers have purposely written the preschool songs this way. The reason they do this is to help your preschool student learn the different skills that are …[Continue]
ABCs of Why Your Preschooler Needs Music
When your child enters the preschool stage, they have reached an age where they are ready to start learning and remembering what they learn. Many preschool teachers have used different nursery rhymes that will help the child remember them. Educators, …[Continue]
Preschool Song Basics
Have you ever stopped and listened to the preschool songs and nursery rhymes that your child is singing? Many of the songs will have a rhyme or a repetitive phrase that is being used over and over. Educators, authors and …[Continue]
Alphabet Songs
Does your child need to learn their ABCs? Does he or she struggle to remember the letters and the sounds they make? One great, classic way to teach your child the alphabet is to match them the ABC song. The …[Continue]