Introduction Making a wind chime can be more or less complex depending on what type of wind chime you would like to make and what materials you are choosing to use. Wind chimes can be made to be very specific, …[Continue]
Wind Chime
Wind chimes can not only add decoration to your home, but they can also set the mood and create an atmosphere of tranquility. Wins chimes are simple to make as well. All that you need is some rope, terracotta pots …[Continue]
Nature Prints
Art pieces can be some of the most expensive items that you buy for your home. Fortunately, there are some simple techniques that you can use to make fabulous looking spring inspired art right at home. All that you need …[Continue]
Painted Bug Rocks
All that you need to make painted bug rocks are some smooth oval shaped rocks and paint. Collect one rock for each member of the family. Allow each family member to paint their rock whatever color they wish. You can …[Continue]
Photo Frame Crafts
Crafting is a hobby that millions of people enjoy doing. Making crafts is a way of expressing your individuality and artistic side. The combination of making crafts and decorating makes a lot of sense to many. You can have fun …[Continue]
Make Your Own Horn
For this craft, you will need a paper towel roll, some waxed paper, a rubber band, and a pen. Cover one end of the paper towel roll with waxed paper and secure it with a rubber band. Punch a row …[Continue]
Pan Flute
A pan flute is a different kind of flute in that it has many different horns or tubes that are used to make distinct sounds rather than just one tube with holes drilled into it. To make a pan flute …[Continue]
A wind instrument is an instrument that you blow into in order to create music. There are many different types of wind instruments that range from a large tuba to a very small piccolo. Each wind instrument is capable of …[Continue]