Welcome to November! It’s hard to believe that the year is almost over! Fall celebrations are taking over. Halloween is finished and on to the next!
Many Mexican-Americans celebrate The Day of the Dead (November 1-2, 2013).
What is the Day of the Dead?
Day of the Dead Coloring Pages
Watch a video about Day of the Dead celebrations
An important day to remember is Veterans’ Day (November 11, 2013).
Barbara’s picks for Veterans’ Day activities
Of course, for most Americans the big celebration of November is Thanksgiving (November 28, 2013).
Play some Thanksgiving games
Make turkey place cards for your table
Enjoy some Thanksgiving jokes by kids!
Watch a silly Garfield Thanksgiving video
Don’t forget our awesome Thanksgiving coloring pages!
Did you know that for the first time ever, the first day of Hannukah (November 27 – Dec 5, 2013) coincides with Thanksgiving? The last time Hannukah fell on the last Thursday of November was in 1861, before President Lincoln established Thanksgiving in 1863!
Help NinJew save Hannukah!
As always, here are some Hannukah coloring pages.
Enjoy this beginning to the festive season and we’ll see you on the Net!
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