Happy July!
To celebrate the release of the family action adventure movie EARTH TO ECHO that opens in theaters on July 2, we are giving away a summer activity prize pack that includes:
* Nerf Super Soaker Arctic Shock Water Blaster
* Star Explosion Glow In The Dark Set
* Crayola 48 Count Sidewalk Chalk
* and much, much more!
Enter today and share the giveaway via Twitter and Facebook to earn extra entries.
Need a laugh? Enjoy International Joke Day (July 1, 2014).
Our young readers send us the best jokes.
What has four wheels and flies? Watch this video to find out!
Of course the most important celebration in the United States this month is Independence Day (July 4, 2014).
Learn all about the Declaration of Independence.
What do you know about the Boston Tea Party?
Try this Lady Liberty concentration game.
Play some 50 States hangman.
How about a Supreme Court crossword?
The only place outside Earth where people have walked is our closest neighbor, the Moon. Celebrate Moon Day (July 20, 2014).
When did humans land on the Moon?
Try a stellar crossword puzzle.
Play special delivery to the Moon!
And of course, there are always Moon coloring pages!
If you are a real geek, you can celebrate Pi Approximation Day (July 22, 2014).
What is Pi Approximation Day?
Bye, bye, Mathematical Pie (video).
Enjoy those July days, and we’ll see you on the Net!
Jokes By Kids: Volume 2 includes 401+ clean, funny jokes from kids around the world. Now available in Kindle format. Don’t have a Kindle? No problem! A free Kindle app can be downloaded for your computer, tablet, iPad, iPhone, Android or other smart phone. These jokes will be great fun for long car rides, the dinner table, the classroom, scout troops, birthday parties or anywhere family is gathering. And when you have Jokes By Kids: Volume 2 on your phone, you can whip it out whenever the occasion calls for a little laughter! Just $2.99 and available for instant download.
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