Older kids will love making these pumpkin luminaries to decorate your front walk for the trick or treaters! This can be a long project so an older child’s patience and diligence can be appreciated.
What you will need:
Glass jars (any size you want)
½ yard orange fabric
Scraps of yellow fabric, small amounts needed
White craft glue
Old paintbrush
Small bowl
Black felt
Tea light candles
Instructions for the project:
The first step is to wash the jars and remove labels if needed. Make sure the jars dry completely. Cut or rip orange fabric into strips approximately 3″ long and 1″ wide. Keep in mind that they don’t have to be perfect. Using the yellow fabric, cut out eyes, noses, and mouths to put on your pumpkin faces. You can either make a decoupage mixture (equal amounts water and white craft glue) or use a pre made mixture to begin attaching your strips. Using an old paintbrush, apply some decoupage mixture to a small section of the jar. Place the orange fabric on top of the glue, applying a small amount of glue mixture on top of the fabric, securing it to the jar. Continue using this process until the jar is completely covered in orange fabric. Be sure to overlap pieces as you go so that there are no open gaps. You can then apply yellow facial features to your pumpkins with this same method and allow to dry completely (overnight is best). When the jars are dry and can be handled without damaging your work, measure out a piece of black felt to fit around the mouth of the jar. Cut out the piece of felt and glue it around the outside of the rim. Place a miniature flashlight or a tea light candle inside each jar. (Make sure an adult lights the candle, and display it in a safe place.)