With the 4th of July right around the corner, a great way to get in the spirit of the holiday is to make crafts with a patriotic theme. If you love to do crafts but don’t like spending the money on different types of materials and tools, there’s no need to run out and purchase a ton of things — using what you have at home, you can make great 4th of July crafts.
4th of July Jewelry
This is an easy and fun craft using basic items found in your kitchen.
Materials needed:
• Macaroni noodles
• Rubbing alcohol
• Food coloring (in red and blue)
• 2 bowls
• Yarn
• Paper towels
1. Using one bowl for each color, place the desired number of noodles in each bowl. Pour enough rubbing alcohol over the noodles so they are covered. Then, add a generous amount of red food coloring to one bowl of alcohol and noodles, and a generous amount of blue food coloring to the other bowl. Let them sit until they have reached the desired shade. (This step may want to be done the night before; the longer the noodles sit, the brighter the colors.)
2. Once noodles have reached the desired color, lay them flat and let them dry on paper towels.
3. When noodles are dry, cut lengths of yarn for necklaces, bracelets, etc. and string noodles on them, allowing enough length for tying.