Welcome to my vision of what’s wonderful on the Web. Welcome parents, kids, teens, grandparents, teachers, librarians and the incurably curious. I am a syndicated newspaper columnist, mother, wife and Net surfer supreme (not listed in order of importance, of course).
I have been a computer nerd for nearly forty years, with a B.S. Cum Laude in Information & Computer Science from the University of California, Irvine, 1976. I’ve been a programmer, computer consultant, newsletter publisher, and shareware author. Since becoming a mom, involving my kids in my love of computers has spurred my interest in children’s use of the Internet. My weekly newspaper column Surfing the Net with Kids appears in newspapers across the country.
If you are interested in educational activities for your family or students, this is the place to be. Come join me as we maneuver through the always fascinating, and occasionally spectacular, Internet. Send me your ideas for interesting topics, your site recommendations and stories about your own Internet explorations.
For educators interested in integrating technology into their curriculum , I offer my Surfnetkids Printables Club and my Tech Tips blog. If you are interested in the technical, marketing or business side of online publishing, please visit me at my personal blog or Word Her.
Sponsors and advertisers will find more information at Feldman Publishing
See ya on the Net,
Barbara J. Feldman
Syndicated Columnist “Surfing the Net with Kids“
Barbara Feldman: If my life had a tag line it would go here
Comments and feedback welcome at the Reply To Barbara
Surfnetkids.com, Inc.
991C Lomas Santa Fe Dr. #415
Solana Beach, CA 92075