Dear Reader, I have come to a crossroad. I’m turning 70 in a couple of weeks, and I’ve been writing the Surfnetkids reviews for 27 years. It’s time to figure out what’s next for me, and what’s next for …[Continue]
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[Surnetkids] Memorial Day
Dear Reader, What are your plans for Memorial Day weekend? We don’t have specific plans yet, but I do associate Memorial Day with the start of summer. And I’m always reminded of the advice my mother gave me: don’t wear …[Continue]
[Surnetkids] Mother’s Day Cards
Dear Reader, Wishing you and yours a very Happy Mother’s Day! See ya on the Net, Barbara J. Feldman “Surfing the Net with Kids” Mother’s Day Cards Mother’s Day Cards Printable(** for Premium Members only) The history …[Continue]
[Surnetkids] Ludwig van Beethoven
Dear Reader, Today’s topic honors the premier of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony on May 7, 1824. Bonus trivia fact of the week: Beethoven is buried in Vienna in the same cemetery as my great-grandfather, whose grave site I visited just two …[Continue]
[Surnetkids] Flowers
Dear Reader, I just returned from a whirlwind two-week trip with my daughter to Austria. The primary focus was to visit places where my family lived, and to honor those that were murdered by the Nazis. I posted a bit …[Continue]
[Surnetkids] Kites
Dear Reader, Today’s topic is in honor of April being National Kite Month. More April holidays and celebrations can be found here: Surfnetkids April Calendar. See ya on the Net, Barbara J. Feldman “Surfing the Net with Kids” Kites …[Continue]
[Surnetkids] Harry Houdini
Dear Reader, Happy birthday to Harry Houdini, born Erich Weiss on March 24, 1874 in Budapest, Hungary. And Hag Pesach Sameach (Happy Passover) to my Jewish readers! Always popular is my printable Passover Coloring Book and my Passover Fun website. …[Continue]
[Surnetkids] St. Patrick’s Day Clipart
Dear Reader, Happy St. Patrick’s Day! For more St. Patrick’s Day resources from the Surfnetkids archives, click here: St. Patrick’s Day Resources. See ya on the Net, Barbara J. Feldman “Surfing the Net with Kids” St. Patrick’s Day Clipart …[Continue]
[Surnetkids] DNA
Dear Reader, Seventy years ago, on February 28, 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick announced that they had discovered the double-helix structure of DNA. The date jumped out at me because it was just three months before I was born. …[Continue]
[Surnetkids] Sojourner Truth
Dear Reader, Today’s Black History Month topic is all about Sojourner Truth. For more Surfnetkids Black History resources, check out this list: Black History Resources. See ya on the Net, Barbara J. Feldman “Surfing the Net with Kids” Sojourner …[Continue]
[Surnetkids] Valentine’s Day Poems
Dear Reader, Welcome to February, home of Black History Month, Valentine’s Day, and Presidents’ Day. See ya on the Net, Barbara J. Feldman “Surfing the Net with Kids” Valentine’s Day Poems Valentine’s Day Poems Printable(** for Premium Members …[Continue]
[Surnetkids] Human Heart
Dear Reader, Today’s topic is in celebration of February being American Heart Month. Healthy habits start early, so many of today’s site include tips on how to eat healthy and exercise regularly. See ya on the Net, Barbara J. Feldman …[Continue]