Dear Reader,
Today’s topic is in celebration of February being American Heart Month. Healthy habits start early, so many of today’s site include tips on how to eat healthy and exercise regularly.
See ya on the Net,
Barbara J. Feldman
“Surfing the Net with Kids”
Human Heart
Human Heart Printable(** for Premium Members only)
Your heart is located in the upper left-hand side of your chest and if you place your hand there, you can feel it beating. The heart continually pumps blood to all parts of the body, and never stops beating, even when you are asleep. Because of its importance, many complex surgeries (and even artificial hearts) have been developed to keep your heart going thump, thump, thump.
Franklin Institute: The Human Heart
During your lifetime, your heart will beat (on average) two and a half billion times without stopping to rest. Wow! This site provides information about what the human heart is, and how it grows and develops. It also explains the structure of the heart, with images and diagrams. There are activities for the classroom, index cards, images, and links to additional reading about the heart. “Like a pumping machine, the heart provides the power needed for life. This life-sustaining power has, throughout time, caused an air of mystery to surround the heart.”
InnerBody: Human Heart Picture
Point and click your way around this interactive heart diagram from InnerBody that introduces the parts of the heart and their functions. “Internally, the heart is divided into four hollow chambers, two on the left and two on the right. The upper chambers, called ‘atria,’ have relatively thin walls and receive blood returning through the veins.” Visit to learn more about chambers, ventricles, valves, veins and how they all connect.
KidsHealth: Your Heart & Circulatory System
“Did you give your friends valentines and little heart-shaped candies on Valentine’s Day? Do you ever cross your heart when making a promise that you really, really mean? Or turn on the radio to hear a guy singing about his broken heart?” KidsHealth explains that your heart isn’t your emotional center and doesn’t make you fall in love. The heart is a tireless muscle pumping blood to your organs. And without it, your other organs wouldn’t get the oxygen or energy they need to do their job.
… Click to continue to Human Heart
Printables Club Members Also Get …
Surfnetkids Printables Club Members also get the following printables to use in the classroom, the computer lab, the school library, or to send home with students:
Human Heart Printable
Human Heart Wikipedia Printable
Human Anatomy Printable
Biology Printable
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Quote of the Week
“Your heart is slightly bigger than the average human heart, but that’s because you’re a teacher.” ~~ Aaron Bacall ~~ (b. 1940) cartoonist and educator. Click this link to read more heart quotes at
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