As we already know, computers have gained a high importance in our everyday life. Thus, touch typing is a valuable skill for everyone, who works with a computer, who does homework or, for example, for one who wants to connect with his friends on the Internet.
Typing Study is a website made for people who want to learn to touch type. It is as good for both – kids and older people as well. By now it has concentrated on content development, thus the design is very simple and it will not distract one’s attention from the real purpose of the site – learning to touch type. It is available absolutely for free and has been adjusted to the needs of schools (there is a special sections “Schools”). Although there are many other typing tutors as well, Typing Study is unique because it is the first website, which is available in so many languages with so many keyboard layouts. Surely, it is also possible to test one’s typing speed and to play games according to the level of your current typing skills.
TypingStudy should be used as follows:
1) One should register on the website
2) One should go through the exercises of every lesson one by one.
3) Once one feels comfortable, he or she can move to the next lesson
It is suggested to determine the touch typing speed once in a while to determine the progress.
Good luck for you!