This is a treasure of information about the South before, during and after the War Between the States. It would take weeks to read this fine collection of material. Recommended for older teens and above.
37th Texas Cavalry (Terrell’s)
November 30, 2001 -- From Major Michael Kelley, CSA, a reader from Pascagoula, MS who is affiliated with the site
The primary resource on the Internet for the valid research and documentation of the role of Black, Hispanic, Native American, Jewish, and foreign born Confederate soldiers – the Forgotten Confederates. Information is properly documented without editorial commentary.
Shotgun’s Home of the American Civil War
November 30, 2001 -- From Tim, a reader from Lynchburg, Virginia who is not affiliated with the site
This website is a great overall website for learning about the Confederacy and the war. It has a wide range of information and is readable by most age groups.
Selected Civil War Photographs
November 30, 2001 -- From Tim, a reader from Lynchburg, Virginia who is not affiliated with the site
This government site has many clear photographs relating to the war. It is very usable for searching photographs and by browsing through the topics.