For parents, grandparents, teachers, mentors — in fact, anyone who has children in their lives, this website contains hands-on activities that encourage children to explore, experiment, observe, discover, and have fun.
May 8, 2001 -- From Kelley Walker, a parent from USA who is affiliated with the site
Delivering information and tools to help parents & teachers communicate with kids about the many ethical issues that they are likely to encounter when utilizing the Internet. is a major national campaign that provides the resources that parents and teachers need. The campaign utilizes different materials, including the book “Internet and Computer Ethics for Kids,” to educate kids, parents and teachers about Cyber Ethics. Other resources include a special “Kids Only” section of the Web site as well as a forum for parents and teachers.
Kid’s Page. Whoop-de-do!
March 12, 2001 -- From Shari, a parent from Oklahoma who is affiliated with the site
Whoop-de-do! is a fun family site full of web deals, freebies, coupons, and all-around fun things to do on the web. The KID’S PAGE is full of great free gifts for kids.Teachers (& parents) love to use them as part of a reward system.
December 10, 1999 -- From Faye, a reader from Colorado, USA who is affiliated with the site
I am affiliated with this site, however I can say that it offers free online meeting places for families to post message boards, photo albums, have online chats and more.