CYBERCHASE Online is the companion site to the daily television program produced by Thirteen/WNET New York and Nelvana. In each episode, a diverse team of Earth kids uses brainpower to thwart the dastardly Hacker, who is on a mission to take control of cyberspace away from the benevolent ruler, Motherboard.
Brave Kid Games
March 15, 2006 -- From Jana M., a parent from Slovenia, who is affiliated with the site
We have a lot of fun things for kids to do. Here you can find nice, fun, challenging and educational games, free printables and free online activities for both PC and Mac.
December 21, 2005 -- From Asad, a reader from Pakistan, who is not affiliated with the site
Funbrain is a really cool site for kids for age 6-14.
Professor Garfield
October 26, 2005 -- From Bob Levy, a reader from Indiana, who is affiliated with the site
We have developed this site in conjunction with leading universities and other national educational organizations. Our goal is to create the most robust, media-rich, engaging free learning portal for children. The teacher’s portion of the website is located at .
August 17, 2005 -- From Catherine Carlson, a reader from New York, NY, who is affiliated with the site
Set up like a book, this site includes many online games and fun environments in which children can learn and listen to new words and sentences. The site includes coloring pages, fun games and an interactive house-with voices and sentences.
Zoom Games: 3 Puck Chuck
July 20, 2005 -- From Lisa Cerqueira, a reader from Boston, MA who is affiliated with the site
The popular PBS kids’ series, ZOOM, has launched two new games – one to be played on the ZOOM Web site, and one to be played in the physical world – and both explore the principles of Newton’s Laws of Motion, helping kids to learn while they’re having fun.
December 15, 2004 -- From Greg , a teacher from Virginia, who is affiliated with the site
The site contains dozens of educational games such as Tony Fraction’s Pizza Shop, Tackle Math Ball, Word Search Maker, and Everglades Spelling. There are dozens of themes complete with integrated interactive activities, online books, interactive maps, scavenger hunts and more.