Our games are zany but brainy and cheeky yet challenging: Featuring cute doggies, sulky teenagers and grumpy grandads, these games will present you with a range of challenges to test your brainpower and hone your skills.
The Fungooms
November 9, 2010 -- From Ned, a parent, from UK, who is affiliated with the site.
A free online games site designed mainly for preschool children, but I have found that older kids enjoy it too, and even some adults! Lots of fun, colourful characters, easy to play games, big, clear and simple images and things to be learned along the way.
KidZui – The Internet for Kids
August 12, 2010 -- From Tara - KidZui Mom, a reader from San Diego, CA, who is affiliated with the site.
Kids can find a great selection of fun and educational games to play for free.
Free Arcade Games
April 17, 2010 -- From Eugen Lapuste, a reader, from Cluj,Romania, who is not affiliated with the site.
Play Free Online Arcade Games
PBS kids
April 13, 2010 -- From Kiesho, age 11, from California,LA, who is not affiliated with the site.
It’s fun!!!
Kids Web Portal
April 7, 2010 -- From Diksha, a reader, from India, who is not affiliated with the site.
Kids Web Portal.
The Gaming Expert
April 4, 2010 -- From Brad, a reader, from United States, who is affiliated with the site.
This site is all about gaming. It covers everything from handhelds to the PC. Unlike other gaming sites, like IGN.com, it contains no rude language and the videos don’t depict half-naked women reviewing the games. A much better choice for parents.