Crafty Builders is an animated children’s series, created with the goal to inspire the imagination and actively promote play with wooden building blocks.
Kindergarten Readiness Reader Reviews
The following site reviews were submitted by readers like you. Discovered (or created) a cool site we should know about? Click here to add URL.Lulek and Rosie – Educational games for children
July 31, 2014 -- Submitted by Oliwia, a reader from Poland, who is affiliated with the site. is a miniature, animated kingdom of Lulek and Rosie in which there are a lot of educational games, colouring pages and activities for kids. Our educational website involves free online games for toddlers and preschoolers. Bimbam clock teaches children self-control and helps with learning. Connect learning with fun!
Building Blocks for Literacy
July 31, 2012 -- Submitted by The Stern Center for Language and Learning, a reader from Vermont, USA, who is affiliated with the site.
BUILDING BLOCKS FOR LITERACY® offers research based and research proven information and activities to help prepare preschool children for reading success when they enter Kindergarten.
Free Kindergarten Worksheets
May 30, 2012 -- Submitted by Jill, a reader who is affiliated with the site.
Free printable Kindergarten Worksheets for teachers and parents.
Fun with Humphrey
April 20, 2011 -- Submitted by Silvia, a reader who is affiliated with the site.
The fun-fun-fun new website for Humphrey the classroom hamster, star of the ‘Humphrey’ books. Submit your pet pictures to Humphrey’s gallery, vote for the cutest pets, send in your jokes, read short stories and Humphrey’s diary, play mini-games and get creative with fun downloadable projects.
Kindergarten Worksheets
September 7, 2010 -- From Alicia, a reader from Nagano, Japan, who is affiliated with the site.
Free printable kindergarten worksheets and activities.
Kindergarten Activities
December 4, 2008 -- From Samantha, a reader, from San Francisco, CA, who is affiliated with the site.
The link activities are meant to be both fun and educational and are sorted by both grade and subject on the right hand side. The activities have been collected from teachers across the country and both parents and teachers have given us great feedback so far.