This site is full of really funny poetry for children. You’ll want to keep going back for more! Children can submit their own poems too.
May 29, 2002 -- From Joy, 14 years old from Youngstown, Ohio, who is affiliated with the site
This site for all ages offers many free poetry contests. But you don’t have to enter a contest to have your poetry posted on their site for free! This is my all-time favorite poetry site, and I urge you to check it out!
National Poetry Month
April 10, 2002 -- From Phyllis, a reader from Boston, Massachusetts, who is affiliated with the site
Glossary of poetry terms, biographies of notable poets, poetry for the seasons, poetry awards, and more.
April 22, 2000 -- From Aditya, 10 years old from Oman who is affiliated with the site
With this site you can send greeting cards. There is a poem competition also.
Kurzweil Cyber Art
April 11, 2000 -- From a reader from New Orleans, LA who is affiliated with the site
Here’s another one for National Poetry Month: Kurzweil Cyber Art. The site has a free download for Windows that contains a random poetry generator screensaver. You can also get Ray Kurzweil’s Cybernetic Poet (RKCP), which can learn the styles of poets like Keats, Blake, Dickinson & Shakespeare, among others, and suggest turns of phrase in the style of those poets! It’s a great and fun way to learn about poetry!
Giggle Poetry
October 6, 1999 -- From Jason, a parent from Minnesota who is affiliated with the site
Giggle Poetry is a funny poetry site for kids that features tons of humorous verse for kids, great artwork, kid-friendly instructions on how to write poetry, free poetry contests with prizes, and plenty of additional fun poetry activities.
September 24, 1999 -- From Martha, a teacher from Orlando, Florida who is affiliated with the site
What a great way to add to your poetry library…for FREE! Former teacher and children’s author Rusty Fischer sends 7 new poems to your e-mail address every week. (That’s one poem for each day!) The poems are funny or touching, but never contain foul language or questionable content, so they’re great for classroom or family reading anytime! So what are you waiting for? Start your poetry library today! For FREE!