Good Calculators has over 150 free online calculators, grouped into 24 categories, for easy selection. These are useful in school settings, business, and for math in daily life. Insight into how calculations are derived is provided, where possible.
Pre-Algebra Reader Reviews
The following site reviews were submitted by readers like you. Discovered (or created) a cool site we should know about? Click here to add URL.Thinking Blocks
February 3, 2007 -- From Colleen, a teacher, from USA, who is affiliated with the site.
Thinking Blocks is a series of free, multimedia math programs that teach students how to model and solve multistep word problems. Using a combination of guided practice, video instruction, and assessment, Thinking Blocks encourages students to discover the concepts and relationships that are at the core of every math problem. Practice sets include addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, and ratio and proportion.
Visual Math Learning
February 1, 2006 -- From Wayne Allen Bateman, a reader from California who is affiliated with the site
This site features a free online interactive tutorial for pre-algebra students that is rich in games, puzzles, and other visual media content. It is an excellent resource for parents and educators of students at the middle-school level.