Was sugarcane grown in Colonial America? - History Forum
21 Mar 2025 at 1:17am
Sugarcane was the staple plantation crop throughout the Caribbean & Latin America ever since the earliest colonial settlements, having arrived with Columbus’ second voyage. Sugar was already being imported to Europe in large quantities by the early years of the 16th century.
What is the origin of Chattel slavery? | Page 2 | History Forum
26 Mar 2025 at 12:52pm
Colonial enslavement caused debates from humanists of the time because it was a relatively new institution for them, but ultimately the economic benefit became enshrined in new colonial laws. And one interpretation in the US is the laws for this new-and-improved chattel slavery created a race of slaves as had never been seen before.
How many Irish were transported to America and what ... - History Forum
19 Mar 2025 at 2:20pm
[CSP Colonial Series 1; 1574-1660; ed W.N. Sainsbury (1860)] 24 Sept 1653 - Oder of the Council of State granting licence to Richard Netherway of Bristol to transport 100 Irish tories to Virginia. [CSP Colonial Series 1; 1574-1660; ed W.N. Sainsbury (1860)] from a post in the Europe forum.
What if Britain ceded independence, made peace with the American 13 ...
26 Mar 2025 at 3:41am
In a British North America (BNA) domain that is more than just Canada, but extending southward to include the Trans-Allegheny to Mississippi west from the Great Lakes down to and including Florida, how are London, and local Colonial authorities, balancing out indigenous interests and settler interests throughout the territories over the years ...
US history is boring compared to Old World nations.
24 Mar 2025 at 3:54pm
If we start US history with the Spanish-American War, huzzah! The US is a global power and Civil War has already "fixed" many issues. etc. This shortened US history also avoids the complexities of colonial America. Yes, if people would recognize this early enough and do something about it.
Accents in Colonial America? | History Forum - historum.com
15 Feb 2025 at 1:14am
This has been something that I've wondered about for a while now. If you could somehow travel back to the 18th century United States (or what would become the US), how would many of the people living there sound when speaking? This era's speech is depicted in so many ways on film and tv from...
White tenants and nobles of British northern and southern overseas ...
26 Mar 2025 at 9:25am
The article from the Catholic publication claims Irish indentured servants were given English names. That is also an issue, as there weren't that many Irish surnames in the south at the time of the Civil War. The south was mostly Church of England in colonial times, but became mostly Baptist and Methodist at the time of independence.
Why has kidnapping free blacks been abundantly ... - History Forum
19 Mar 2025 at 11:35am
Kidnapping came first-there were instances even in colonial America. The approach taken in the current volume has been to research a number of cases of kidnapping documenting them as well as possible and to draw from them some observations about how kidnappers operated, various factors that allowed them to operate with a certain amount of ease ...
How did most yeomen farmers in the Deep South in the 1850s acquire ...
25 Mar 2025 at 9:19am
Spinning wheels were very common in colonial America. It was 300 year old technology by the time of Jamestown and later colonies. If a family could not afford a spinning wheel, they made thread and yarn via the spindle method. Looms can range from the very sophisticated to the very simple.
Historical Responses to Tariffs by Domestic Manufacturers
23 Mar 2025 at 1:07am
I am still curious to hear opinions on any historical tariffing situations. Obviously Colonial America is an example tariffing in general, but I have also seen the Chicken War of 1962-1963 referenced as an example of a tariff-based trade war. I am curious if retaliatory tariffs behave similarly or if they tend to have different dynamics over time.
WHAT IS THIS? This is an unscreened compilation of results from several search engines. The sites listed are not necessarily recommended by Surfnetkids.com.
21 Mar 2025 at 1:17am
Sugarcane was the staple plantation crop throughout the Caribbean & Latin America ever since the earliest colonial settlements, having arrived with Columbus’ second voyage. Sugar was already being imported to Europe in large quantities by the early years of the 16th century.
What is the origin of Chattel slavery? | Page 2 | History Forum
26 Mar 2025 at 12:52pm
Colonial enslavement caused debates from humanists of the time because it was a relatively new institution for them, but ultimately the economic benefit became enshrined in new colonial laws. And one interpretation in the US is the laws for this new-and-improved chattel slavery created a race of slaves as had never been seen before.
How many Irish were transported to America and what ... - History Forum
19 Mar 2025 at 2:20pm
[CSP Colonial Series 1; 1574-1660; ed W.N. Sainsbury (1860)] 24 Sept 1653 - Oder of the Council of State granting licence to Richard Netherway of Bristol to transport 100 Irish tories to Virginia. [CSP Colonial Series 1; 1574-1660; ed W.N. Sainsbury (1860)] from a post in the Europe forum.
What if Britain ceded independence, made peace with the American 13 ...
26 Mar 2025 at 3:41am
In a British North America (BNA) domain that is more than just Canada, but extending southward to include the Trans-Allegheny to Mississippi west from the Great Lakes down to and including Florida, how are London, and local Colonial authorities, balancing out indigenous interests and settler interests throughout the territories over the years ...
US history is boring compared to Old World nations.
24 Mar 2025 at 3:54pm
If we start US history with the Spanish-American War, huzzah! The US is a global power and Civil War has already "fixed" many issues. etc. This shortened US history also avoids the complexities of colonial America. Yes, if people would recognize this early enough and do something about it.
Accents in Colonial America? | History Forum - historum.com
15 Feb 2025 at 1:14am
This has been something that I've wondered about for a while now. If you could somehow travel back to the 18th century United States (or what would become the US), how would many of the people living there sound when speaking? This era's speech is depicted in so many ways on film and tv from...
White tenants and nobles of British northern and southern overseas ...
26 Mar 2025 at 9:25am
The article from the Catholic publication claims Irish indentured servants were given English names. That is also an issue, as there weren't that many Irish surnames in the south at the time of the Civil War. The south was mostly Church of England in colonial times, but became mostly Baptist and Methodist at the time of independence.
Why has kidnapping free blacks been abundantly ... - History Forum
19 Mar 2025 at 11:35am
Kidnapping came first-there were instances even in colonial America. The approach taken in the current volume has been to research a number of cases of kidnapping documenting them as well as possible and to draw from them some observations about how kidnappers operated, various factors that allowed them to operate with a certain amount of ease ...
How did most yeomen farmers in the Deep South in the 1850s acquire ...
25 Mar 2025 at 9:19am
Spinning wheels were very common in colonial America. It was 300 year old technology by the time of Jamestown and later colonies. If a family could not afford a spinning wheel, they made thread and yarn via the spindle method. Looms can range from the very sophisticated to the very simple.
Historical Responses to Tariffs by Domestic Manufacturers
23 Mar 2025 at 1:07am
I am still curious to hear opinions on any historical tariffing situations. Obviously Colonial America is an example tariffing in general, but I have also seen the Chicken War of 1962-1963 referenced as an example of a tariff-based trade war. I am curious if retaliatory tariffs behave similarly or if they tend to have different dynamics over time.
WHAT IS THIS? This is an unscreened compilation of results from several search engines. The sites listed are not necessarily recommended by Surfnetkids.com.