The copper lady dressed in robes who stands at the entrance to New York harbor is one of the largest statues ever built. Her full name is Liberty Enlightening the World, but she is better known as the Statue of …[Continue]
United States Resources
Smithsonian Institution
The Smithsonian Institution is not a single museum, but rather the world’s largest collection of museums (nineteen) housing 155 million objects and hosting 30 million visitors a year. The Smithsonian was founded in 1846 to “increase knowledge”, per the wishes …[Continue]
National Parks
The world’s first national park, Yellowstone National Park, was established on March 1, 1872 by President Ulysses Grant. Forty-four years later, on August 25, 1916, the National Park Service was established by Congress. Today there are fifty-eight National Parks in …[Continue]
Bill of Rights
The first ten amendments to the United States Constitution are known as the Bill of Rights. Among the rights protected are freedom of speech, the right to bare arms, and protection from unreasonable search. Although originally opposed by pro-constitution Federalists, …[Continue]
Statue of Liberty
The copper lady dressed in robes that stands at the entrance to New York harbor is one of the largest statues ever built. Her full name is Liberty Enlightening the World, but she is better known as the Statue of …[Continue]
U.S. Treasury
The Department of the Treasury is part of the United States federal government. The Treasury prints and mints all paper money and coins, collects federal taxes, and manages government debt. It was established by an Act of Congress in 1789 …[Continue]
Aloha! President William McKinley signed a resolution annexing Hawaii as an unincorporated territory of the United States on July 7, 1898. Hawaii remained a territory until becoming our fiftieth state on August 21, 1959. Its natural beauty and tropical climate …[Continue]
Election 2012
With the presidential election just weeks away, the campaigns are heating up. In addition to the official sites for candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, here are some online resources for students to learn about the election process and keep …[Continue]
Election 2008
With the presidential election just a month away, the campaigns are heating up. In addition to the official candidate sites for Barack Obama and John McCain, here are some online resources for students to learn about the election process and …[Continue]
George Washington
Did George Washington really chop down a cherry tree? And what’s this I hear about wooden teeth? Challenge the old myths and learn the truth about the man we call “The Father of our Country.”…[Continue]