My daughter is getting to that age where everyone else is more of an expert than dear old Mom and Dad. And books I was recommending were being summarily turned down. “Mom, that book is as OLD as I am!” …[Continue]
Public Speaking
Your teacher may call them oral reports, but by any name, a speech is still a speech. Although it’s common to be nervous or scared when talking in front of a group, it is not necessary. Learn how to improve …[Continue]
Online News for Students
Parents and teachers from coast-to-coast have been asking me for news sites for kids. With so much to absorb and understand, we need to discuss current events with our children and not let the television be the last word on …[Continue]
Sign Language
American Sign Language is a rich language of gestures and hand symbols. Each gesture represents either a concept, a word or a letter. In those cases where a gesture doesn’t exist for a particular idea, a word can be spelled …[Continue]
Despite predictions that libraries would become obsolete in this era of technology, libraries are as vital as ever. Many, in fact, are on the forefront of defining the digital library and preserving our cyber-rights. In 1953, President Eisenhower wrote “The …[Continue]
Learning Spanish Verbs
Spanish verbs always end in either “-ar,” “-er,” or “-ir.” And when they are good, they are very, very good, for they follow the rules and are easy to conjugate. But when they are bad, they are horrid � and …[Continue]
In the United States alone there are more than two million engineers. What do they do? Is it any fun? How hard is engineering school? I found answers to all these questions and more. Follow me, a pocket protector is …[Continue]
Banned Books Week
Every September, Banned Books Week celebrates the freedom to choose and the importance of ensuring the availability of all viewpoints. I chose the books below from a list of frequently challenged books. What’s the difference between a challenge and a …[Continue]
Career Explorations
People have told me I’m lucky: I’m working in a field I feel passionate about. I’ve known since I was twelve, when I took my first programming class, that I wanted to work with computers. And I’ve enjoyed (almost) all …[Continue]
Got Questions?
When you’ve searched, seeked and pleaded for answers to your homework questions to no avail, who ya gonna call? Homework busters, that’s who! Here’s the scoop on real people (teachers, librarians, experts, authors, and fellow students) who will answer your …[Continue]