Flashcards are a standard study tool, and are implemented on many sites as an interactive tool, but today’s focus is just on sites where you can print flashcards for old-fashioned offline use. This week’s collection includes a variety of sites …[Continue]
Ratio and Proportion
A ratio is the mathematic relationship between two numbers, where one is divided by the other. A proportion is an equation where two ratios are equal. A typical use might be something like this. The ratio of boys to girls …[Continue]
Probability Games
Dice games, coin tossing, and spinners can easily be played online as well as off. Today’s collection of probability games includes both kinds of activities, but with an emphasis on virtual online games….[Continue]
Square Root
In celebration of Square Root Day on March 3, 2009, here are my picks for pre-algebra students learning about square roots. Square Root day is celebrated whenever the day and the month are both the square root of the last …[Continue]
Financial Literacy
Although there is more to learn about money than how to count coins and bills, the subject is largely ignored in most middle and high-schools. Today’s six-pack of sites tackle saving, budgeting, earning, investing, and more….[Continue]
Math Homework Help
Need help with your math homework? Who ya gonna call? When mom, dad, your older sister, your best friend, and your next-door-neighbor can’t help, these sites will be there for you. Some offer archives of previously asked questions and answers, …[Continue]
Pi Day
Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Regardless of the size of the circle, pi is always the same irrational number: approximately 3.14. Thirty years ago, physicist Larry Shaw created a Pi Day celebration …[Continue]
William Mueller (see Wmueller.com below) describes precalculus as the bridge between the math you know, such as arithmetic and algebra, and a wondrous, fertile land ahead: calculus. In order to cross the bridge, you need a good understanding of how …[Continue]
Do fractions make you sweat? Whether you are a student or a parent helping a student, I’ve found five sites that will take you by the hand and explain everything you’ve always feared you could never learn about fractions. Take …[Continue]
Fibonacci Numbers
Leonardo Fibonacci, sometimes called Leonardo of Pisa, was a thirteenth-century Italian mathematician. He was instrumental in bringing the Arabic numbering system to Europe to replace the use of Roman numerals. He is also remembered for a series of numbers that …[Continue]