DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a long, spiraling molecule that carries the genetic codes that enable cells to reproduce. Although DNA was first isolated by Friedrich Miescher in 1869, it’s double helix structure wasn’t discovered until 1953 by James Watson and …[Continue]
More Science Resources
Despite the common misconception that “chemical” means toxic and is the opposite of natural, chemistry is the study of all substances (natural and man-made, toxic and non-toxic). It involves the identification of the building blocks of matter, and the ways …[Continue]
Units of Measurement
What do inches, pints, centimeters, degrees, kilobytes and seconds all have in common? They are units of measurement. Learning when to use which unit, and how to convert from one to another is this week’s topic….[Continue]
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a long, spiraling molecule that carries the genetic codes that enable cells to reproduce. Although DNA was first isolated by Friedrich Miescher in 1869, it’s double helix structure wasn’t discovered until 1953 by James Watson and …[Continue]
Flatten the Curve
“Flatten the curve” is a rallying call for social distancing amid the global Covid-19 pandemic. What curve? What does it mean? Why is flattening important? In a nutshell, the curve refers to the number of patients infected with the novel …[Continue]
Despite the common misconception that “chemical” means toxic and is the opposite of natural, chemistry is the study of all substances (natural and man-made, toxic and non-toxic). It involves the identification of the building blocks of matter, and the ways …[Continue]
Looking for some good clean summertime fun? Try making a batch of bubble solution and a homemade bubble wand. My favorite recycled bubble wands are those green plastic strawberry baskets that accumulate in the kitchen ’cause I hate throwing them …[Continue]
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a long, spiraling molecule that carries the genetic codes that enable cells to reproduce. Although DNA was first isolated by Friedrich Miescher in 1869, it’s double helix structure wasn’t discovered until 1953 by James Watson and …[Continue]
Engineering for Kids
Engineering is the application of math, science, and other practical knowledge in order to invent, design, and build. It is also the “E” in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) that has become a hot educational focus in the last …[Continue]
Scientific Classification
Scientific classification is a system of organizing living things into categories, from most inclusive (the biggest one) to least inclusive (the smallest one.) This kind of hierarchical classification is also known as a taxonomy. There are seven main divisions in …[Continue]