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Great Clip Art Sites for St. Patrick’s Day

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St. Patrick's Day Dog

Whether you are a parent or a teacher, having clip art for various holidays can be a very useful tool. You can use it to decorate your home, your child’s lunch sacks, make cards, cupcake toppers, decorate bulletin boards, create homework pages, and more. The list of uses for clip art are endless and diverse. Where can you find great Irish graphics, Celtic clip art, or St. Patrick’s Day clip art? Try some of the following sites. They offer free clip art, and most of it is high quality stuff, and the sites are easy to use and navigate to find what you want without much hassle and stress.

For a great selection of graphics for St. Patrick’s Day, borders that can be used on pages, or printed for bulletin boards, page frames that are great for themed coloring pages, or homework pages, card fronts, buttons and backgrounds, and the list goes on, check out ClipArt n’ Crafts. This is a great compilation of some of the more user friendly, and desired images for St. Patrick’s Day clip art. You get leprechauns, pots of gold, shamrocks and more.

If you want more free St. Patrick’s Day clip art, with a few more images, some diversity and fun such as bears holding pots of gold, leprechauns in derby hats, blarney stones, shamrocks, word art and more, Pastiche Family Portal is a great choice. Again, this is user friendly, royalty free site for great St. Patrick’s Day clip art.

One site that offers over 260 images based on Irish traditions and customs is Clipart Archive. This site offers a wide variety of clip art images that represent St. Patrick’s Day. You will be able to find everything from a basic leprechaun or pot of gold to word lettering that is distinctive and decorative. The site is easy to navigate allowing you to browse through the images quickly with thumbnails to see them before you click on them and have to wait for them to load. In addition, they are all free and have no legal attachments so you can download, save and use as you like without fear of repercussions due to copy right laws.

Anne’s Compilation of Irish Graphics This is another great site for St. Patrick’s Day graphics and clip art. It offers a variety of clip art images that are described on the link so that you do not have to click on them or view them unless it is what you want. This site offers leprechauns doing headstands, bowing, leaping, and more. So, you get all the traditional St. Patrick’s Day images in several different variations, making for a fun set of options or your St. Patrick’s Day clip art needs.

When choosing clip art, just make sure it is free, royalty free, and that you can download and use it at will.