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How to Make Friends on Club Penguin

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Club Penguin is an online world that offers cartoon Penguins for avatars rather than human forms. The Penguins then waddle around and talk to one another, play minigames and participate in a wide range of activities that are available in the snowy virtual world. And just like other virtual world games you have to sign up for an account in order to play and make new friends.

Difficulty rating: Easy

Step one:

The first thing that you are going to need to do is to go to the Club Penguin website. This can be found at Club Penguin.

Step two:

Once you get to the website you are going to have to choose which option you want. Your two choices are create a membership or play now.

Step three:

When creating an account you are going to need to complete eight different steps. The first and second steps have to do with the Club Penguin rules and terms and conditions. You have to agree to these rules and terms and conditions in order to continue on with creating your free account.

Step four:

Then you must create your Penguin. You have numerous colored Penguins to choose from all you have to do is select the color that you want.

Step five:

Once you have created your Penguin you are going to need to name the Penguin. Be sure not to use your real name when naming your Penguin or anything close to your real name for safety purposes.

Step six:

Once your name has been approved you are going to need to create a password so that you can log into your account. Depending on the age of your child you might be doing this for them.

Step seven:

Next you are going to need to choose which type of chat you are going to allow your child to use. The two choices are Standard Safe-Chat and Ultimate Safe-Chat. A description of each type of chat is included for you to read when making your decision.

Step nine:

After validating your account you can begin to meet people and make new friends. But first you will need to log into the game.

Step ten:

After logging into the game you are going to have to walk up to people and engage them into conversations. What you can say to these people is going to depend on what kind of chat you are able to do.

Step eleven:

But your basic conversation openers are going to include things like how to play certain games or other simple things that can get people to talk to you.

Step twelve:

Your best bet to meet new people is to play minigames and participate on a variety of activities. In fact the more things that you do in Club Penguin the more chances you are going to have to meet new people.

Other tips/resources:

As a parent you should rest assured that your children can not give out personal information on Club Penguin. The reason for this is that there are filters put into place that screen what is being typed into the game at all times, not to mention that there are moderators all throughout the game that are watching what is going on.

In Club Penguin it is actually really difficult to use numbers in the course of chatting because of the filters. This helps to prevent children from giving out their age, phone number, address, or any other information that should not be disclosed to other people.