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Attacks of P2P File Sharing Networks

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Attacks of P2P file sharing networks can be done in many different ways and all with the same result of harming you or your computer. There are attacks on P2P file sharing networks by viruses that are getting into the file sharing systems. You can also have attacks on a P2P file sharing network that have to do with spyware or adware. P2P file sharing networks can be attacked but such things as spamming, spoofing and even identity theft. P2P is like any other website or network on the Internet and can be attacked just like anything else. P2P file sharing networks are not exempt from attacks on their networks.

Attacks of P2P file sharing networks can include many different types of viruses. The viruses can attach themselves to files that are on the network and begin to be downloaded to computers all over without anyone being aware of it. Viruses can harm the networks causing them to run slow or at the worst shut down. When the network shuts down it will need to be reformatted and will take time away from any users on the network. If the virus is downloaded into other people’s computers unknowingly, that virus can spread around their computer and cause major damage. Once in your computer the virus will attack other files and can go out in emails attacking other people’s computers. Attacks of P2P file sharing networks by virus can become familiar on those networks and can be very destructive. Installing virus protection on your computer will help ward off some of the problems associated with virus attacks.

Spyware, adware or other malware is also a common attack of P2P file sharing networks. Spyware and adware is much like a virus but will attach itself to the software you have downloaded to use on the P2P file sharing networks. The spyware or adware will then track websites you visit and can make your web browser run slower and cause antivirus software and firewalls not to function properly.

Spyware and adware can be difficult to delete off your computer and can remain even after the original software is deleted. Spyware or adware compromises your privacy or security on the Internet by tracking your website visits leaving you open to attacks from your P2P file sharing networks.

Attacks on your P2P file sharing network can also be done by spamming and spoofing. Spamming is when you or other users of the P2P file sharing network get unsolicited information. This can be any type of information that you have not asked to receive but you keep getting. Spamming can slow down your computer and the P2P file sharing networks. Spoofing attacks on a P2P file sharing network includes downloading files that are not as they were described. This actual file could be illegal or questionable material. This is called spoofing because it is like you were tricked. Spoofing may not do a lot of harm to your computer but it does create wasted time. It can become aggravating to download files that are not correct and this can become a problem for the P2P network itself if other people leave the network.

Identity theft is also considered an attack of your P2P file sharing network. Identity theft can be done when you share files and someone else hacks into your computer sharing the personal files you thought were protected. These same hackers can then use your identity for their personal gain. P2P file sharing networks are attacked then because people do not feel safe using the networks.

Attacks of P2P file sharing networks are common and can be found with almost any computer applications. Use the P2P file sharing networks safely and the way they were intended can help avoid the attacks. When you encounter problems because of the P2P file sharing networks you should report the problems as soon as possible to prevent the attacks from growing.