Do you have a blog? Do you have a Facebook account? Do you often find yourself posting duplicate information in both places? This is fairly common. People find that they have different audiences for their blogs and their social networking pages, but share the same or similar information in both places. The following is a look at how to import your blog into Facebook in order to simplify your life and save you time on line. It’s important to note that if you are going to import a blog onto Facebook, you can only import one blog at a time so if you manage several different blogs, import your favorite one or the one that is most applicable. If you later decide to import a different blog, you can change it using the same steps you take to import initially.
The following is a step by step guide to importing a blog to Facebook:
First: Log on to you Facebook page.
Second: Go to your profile by clicking on the “Profile” tab at the top of your Facebook.
Third: Click on “Notes.” If you have used this application before it will be at the top of your profile page right below where you update your status. If you do not see a “Notes” tab there, click on the little plus sign and the drop down menu should contain a “Notes” section. If you do not find it there either, then go to the bottom left hand side of your screen, and click on the application menu. The pop up menu will have a “Notes” section that you can click on.
Fourth: Click on “Import a blog” from the “Notes Settings” box. You may see notes others have posted, or ones you have posted on the left of the screen. To the right you will see a gray or shaded box that says “Notes Settings” under that there are some links to various things you can do in notes. One of those is “Import a blog”. Click on it.
Fifth: Input the blog URL.
Sixth: Confirm the import. You have to confirm that you have the right to import the blog, and that you understand the terms. It will explain how often the blog will be checked for updates, and what will be imported and what will show. If you agree to all of it, click on “Confirm Import” and wait for it to import for the first time.