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How to Set Parental Controls on the iPhone

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Everybody who owns an iPhone seems to love it. They are one of the newest, most exciting gadgets on the market and they are a hot item. Kids and adults alike love the Apple iPhone with its numerous applications. You can find something to suit every age and interest as there are more then 1, 000 applications for kids alone to download. However, there are applications that are not appropriate for children. For example, there are adult-oriented applications that you may not want your kids to have access to.

The good news is that Apple offers parental controls on the iPhone. This means that you can turn off certain features that you do not want anyone to access on any iPhone. Parental controls provide great peace of mind, as you’ll know, as a parent,that your children don’t have access to content you’re not comfortable with them accessing. Better still,setting Parental Controls on the iPhone is quite easy.

There are several categories that you can restrict on the iPhone. Here are some of the most popular among them:

So now that you have decided to restrict some applications on the iPhone, here is how you do it:

1st, touch “Settings”.
Now, choose “General”.
Next, choose “Restrictions”.
At this point you will be prompted to set up a PIN, that gives you access to enable or disable Restrictions.

Here are some important things to keep in mind:

While many parents are thrilled that it’s so easy to set these controls, sometimes the problem is remembering which features they have turned off. This usually isn’t an issue, as your kids are sure to remind you which applications you’ve disabled!