Here is Part Two of My Favorite Phone Apps post. You can read Part One here. After each review, I list the platforms for which each app is available: Android, iOS, Windows or Blackberry.
6) Google Authenticator is only for those Google users who have turned on two-step authentication. But I’m including it here because I believe that EVERYONE should be using two-step Google authentication. Imagine having your Google/Gmail password hacked and knowing that the slimy creepoid that took it STILL can’t get into your Google accounts. Isn’t living well the best revenge? Okay, the actual topic of two-step authentication is too large to tackle here, so you can start with this post I wrote a few weeks ago and this one from Google. (Android, iOS, Blackberry)
7) Roboform is a password keeper with cloud syncing (using the Roboform Everywhere option). Nowadays using the same password on multiple accounts is just plain foolish. And since each password needs to be unique, hard-to-guess, long and not found in the dictionary, how are you supposed to remember them all? The answer is a password vault. And with the Roboform app on my phone, my passwords go with me wherever I am. Lastpass is another password manager I recommend. I especially like that Lastpass can be configured to use Google two-step authentication (see tip 6.) (Android, iOS)
8) Worldmate. If I told you I sometimes can’t remember if I’ve booked airfare for conferences I’ve signed up to attend, would you laugh at me? Well, go ahead and laugh, because now I have an app for that! All I need to do is forward both the airline and hotel email confirms to Worldmate, and I know have all my trips in a handy app on my phone. What this also means is that instead of SEARCHING through your email to find your flight number or your arrival time, all that info is in one place: the Worldmate app. (Android, iOS, Windows)