Did you know that Google has a school assembly program about digital safety that they are taking on the road? It’s called the Good to Know School Roadshow, but in addition to the assembly program for schools, they have a lot of online safety resources as well. Here’s rundown of what they offer.
The Google Safety Center offers two portals: one called “For Everyone” and the other “For Families.” As you’d expect, much of the discussion is about using Google tools safely, but many of the tips, such as password safety, are more widely applicable as well.
The Good to Know School Roadshow has five tips for staying safe on the web:
1. Think before you share
2. Protect your stuff
3. Know and use your settings
4. Avoid scams
5. Be positive
For teachers, there is Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum that has lesson plans for three classes: Become an Online Sleuth, Manage your Digital Footprint, and Identify Tricks and Scams Online.
Want more Google videos about online safety and security? There’s a YouTube channel for that!
Google also has another website (created with partners such as Common Sense Media and the National Cosumers League) that also explores safety: ThinkB4U.
But wait, there’s more, and they are all listed in this Learn More page.