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Unbelievable Story of a 12-Year-Old Cyberbully

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How does one track down a cyberbully that seems to be spying on you from your own home?
How does one track down a cyberbully that seems to be spying on you from your own home?

Melody Coffey and Julia Young are normal 12-years living in a small town in Texas. Normal excerpt for an apparently 12-year-old cyberbully that has turned their lives into a living hell. After having their social media accounts hacked, receiving death threats, and having private family conversations revealed as if the cyberbully was listening or watching from their attic, the families turned to local police and the FBI.

Nothing has been done yet, but the whole story is bizarre and quite creepy. Are the victims pulling a stunt on their parents? Is the 12-year-old cyberbully sophisticated enough to infiltrate the WiFi network of her victims? Have listening or recording apps been stealthily installed on the girls’ phones? Is the bully really a 12-year old girl?

None of these questions have obvious answers. You can read more in these reports.

Mashable’s Stalker in the Attic: The Cyberbully Who Spies on 12-Year-Old Girls in Their Home

Christine Young (Melody’s mom) writes on her well-known blog How Cyber Bullying Changed Our Lives and Cyber Bully Turned Stalker.

Losergurl writes Nowhere Safe: Cyberbullying Gone Crazy

KVUE reports Cyberbullying escalates to stalking, death threats