Yes, you can delete your own Instagram comments, whether posted on your photo or someone else’s. And (best of all!) you can delete any comment on one your Instagram posts. I recently received a hate storm of vicious comments on a post, and was quite happy to learn how to do this.
On an iPhone or any iOS device, tap Comment under the photo, then swipe to the left over the comment you’d like to delete. Tap the orange trash icon and next you’ll be given a choice of “Delete” or “Delete & Report Abuse.”
On an Android, tap Comment under the existing comments, and then tap once more on the comment you want to delete. At this point you can choose from “Delete” or ” Delete and Report Abuse.”
In each case, reporting abuse involves answering a few more questions as to the type of abuse, whether it is spam, inciting violence, or hateful speech.
Hopefully this tip will restore a bit of calm to your corner of the Interwebs. Before you leave, be sure to follow me on Instagram. Thanks!