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4 Apps to Track New Habits and Goals

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Healthy Habit Tracker

I’ve written about to-do list apps before, but tracking habits is quite different from managing a to-do list.

First, all habits are recurring: floss my teeth daily, go to the gym twice a week, or drink water three times a day. Second, if you don’t get your habit done within the timeframe it’s scheduled for, you can’t go back and get it done at a later time. You can’t floss yesterday’s teeth today. But if “Call Aunt Martha” is on your to-do list and you don’t get it done, you’ll want to be reminded of it (forever) until the call is made.

For Android

1) Habit Streak Plan asks you every day if you succeeded the previous day. “Each day you report on whether you succeeded yesterday, building up streaks of habits and ingraining the activities into your life.” The focus here is on building a chain of success.

2) Daily Goal Tracker | Log Enter up to three daily goals and track and share your results on social media. I’m not likely to post to Facebook about my flossing habits, but you may feel differently!

For Apple’s iOS
3) Daily Goals Schedule habits to repeat on specific days of the week, weekly, or any number of times per per week. Love the flexibility here.

4) Doesn’t just allow you to track habits, but also offers coaching (real human beings!) to help you reach your goals.