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A Look at the Internet Addiction Test

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For people who are addicted to the Internet, or think they might be, there are tests to help you. You can take them for free online at many websites that also offer advice and support from other people to help you stop your Internet addiction. Let’s look at what Internet addiction tests are like.

Internet addiction tests are usually always about the same. They are trying to figure out one thing and what specific type of addict you are.

The tests you would take will ask questions like the following:

Do you usually spend more time online than you plan to?
Do you get everything done that you need to?
Do you not do certain things because you would rather be on the Internet?
Do you ignore important things to go on the Internet?
Would you rather go online than on a date with someone you loved?
Do you have very good relationships with several people online?
Do you make friends very easily while online?
Do you miss work because you are online?
Do you check your email several times a day, not for work purposes?
Are you often thinking about being on the Internet instead of things that you need to be doing?
Do you try to hide what you are doing online from your spouse or roommate?
Do you try to figure out when you will go online again as soon as you are off?
Do you worry that you won’t be able to function without the Internet?
Do you think about the Internet instead of the problems you have in your life?
Do you spend more time online than with other people?
Do you lie about how long you have been online when asked?
Do you stay online instead of sleeping?
Do you play online games for hours at a time?

Do you think about your online game even after you are done playing?
Do you wish you could be playing your game while doing other things?
Do you get angry when you have to stop playing your game?
Do you lie about how often you play the game?
Do you gamble with money you don’t have?
Do you think about gambling all the time?
Do you lie about how often you gamble?
Have you done anything illegal in order to get money to gamble?
Have you quit or been in danger of losing your job because of gambling?
Is online gambling a way for you to “escape” your problems?
Do you buy things a lot from Internet marketplaces?
Do you think about online auctions while not online constantly?
Have you lied about how often you go to the online auctions?

The questions are usually more detailed than what is here but this gives you the general idea. They usually have five different levels of strength. For example, on a scale from one to five… The higher your score the more serious the problem is.

When you answer the questions, you must answer them honestly. If you are afraid you have a problem then be assured that by answering these questions, if you do have a problem, you will be helped and your life will be better because of it. These questions help to determine if you have a problem or not. If you do, there are ways to get help. An Internet addiction is serious and needs to be given treatment and help just like any other addiction.