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Why Should I Use a Facebook Proxy?

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Facebook is such a great website. It allows millions of people from around the world to connect with each other and keep up with loved ones that they have not seen or spoken with in years. Facebook is a way to contact people who you would otherwise not be able to contact or who you would rather not call. Sometimes we want to just drop someone a note rather than calling them. You might not have their phone number. One nice thing about Facebook is that if you want to get into contact with someone who you don’t really know you can simply request to become their friend. It is not really awkward like trying to call someone out of the blue. If they accept you as a friend then you know that they want to get to know you or catch up with you.

Another nice thing about Facebook is that you can meet people with similar interests. There is that part of a Facebook profile that allows you to list all of your interests. It is for these reasons and many others that Facebook is such a great social networking tool. It has also been shown to have some commercial purposes, although this has been somewhat controversial lately. What would you do if you could not access your Facebook profile? What would you do if you could not keep up on old friends? Facebook is an important part of the lives of many people world wide. It allows people to communicate and share things. If you have ever had the bad experience of using a computer that will not allow you to access Facebook then you know how bad it can be.

Some institutions, wether they by educational or private businesses, have something called a firewall that might prevent you from looking at Facebook while using a computer hooked up to their Internet server. Usually firewalls keep people from looking at really bad material or from wasting a company’s time. While there are good reasons for people to have firewalls, at times they can become frustrating. A student, for example, who moves away to school might find that the school’s firewall will not allow them to ever check their Facebook page. Is there some way for someone in this position to get around the firewall and look at something as harmless as Facebook?

The answer is yes. Just when technology seems to prevent us from doing things and making things more difficult, it also finds ways to fix the problem. There is something called an Internet proxy server that will allow you to access forbidden sites using another computer’s server. In this case you would wan to use a Facebook proxy—one designed to allow you to look at Facebook through a firewall. The proxy does this by hiding your IP address. You simply use the other server to access Facebook, thus allowing you to spend as much time as you would like viewing Facebook on what would normally be a restricted connection. Naturally proxies are often used for the wrong purposes—to see bad material that was forbidden for the right reasons—but it can also be used to make a firewall situation more reasonable. So the answer to the question ‘why should I use a Facebook proxy server’ is simply that if you don’t you probably won’t be able to use Facebook. However, you should keep in mind that not all Facebook proxies are safe. Someone might be watching what you are writing or reading through the proxy server.