Digital Passport is a new online training program for upper elementary grades, that teaches students the ins-and-outs of online safety. Free to teachers, it uses online games and video, along with classroom activities to teach “digital safety, respect, and community.” Students earn points toward a Digital Passport. And teachers can view student progress, through a reporting system. Although it is Web only at this time, mobile versions are coming soon. Digital Passport is published by Common Sense Media, a non-profit organization that promotes digital citizenship.

Hi Jean,
I agree, Digital Passport looks great. To get started, just fill out your name and email address on the front page:
I am the technology coordinator for the Ohio County Public Library. We are looking for something that we can use with our elementry age children to extend their knowledge of Internet Safety. It looks like the Digital Passport would fit like a glove. Can you help us get started?
Thank you,
Jean Westerfield