The new iTunes 8 comes with a recommendation engine named Genius. If you give it permission to read your music library (which will take a bit of time, depending on how many songs you have), Genius will create playlists for …[Continue]
How to Download YouTube Videos onto your iPod
Ever wonder about downloading YouTube videos onto your iPod? The problem is that YouTube (and most other video sharing sites) uses a Flash format, and your iPod needs a QuickTime format such as MP4. The solution is a piece of …[Continue]
How to Create a Screencast
Jing Project is a free tool for both Mac and Windows users, that lets you capture your computer screen as a static image or a screencast, and then share your screen capture as a URL. Which means that not only …[Continue]
How to Run Windows on a Mac
Mac users with Intel-based machines have several options when it comes to running Windows on their Leopard machines: Boot Camp, Parallels, or VMWare Fusion. Boot Camp is included with OS X, and provides a dual boot machine that runs either …[Continue]
How to Convert an iPod from Windows to Mac
There are a variety of ways to convert an iPod from Windows to Mac, depending on how much metadata (such as playlists, album art, ratings, and date added) you want moved, and how your Windows iTunes library is configured. To …[Continue]