Even if you do not own an iPod, the fr…[Continue]
Google Video
The newest from Google Labs ( http://labs.google.com ) is a television search tool called Google Video ( http://video.google.com/ ) that searches a database of closed caption text from a handful of television channels. The database of content is still growing, …[Continue]
Labeling CDs
Although gummed CD labels from a print-them-yourself kit can look cool, there is evidence that over time they can destroy your CDRs, leaving them totally unreadable. The safest method for labeling a CDR is a permanent marker on the clear …[Continue]
Internet Faxing
There are many ways to send and receive faxes over the Internet. Interpage allows you to send free text faxes from your web browser as a demo of their paid service. eFax is another paid service that allows you to …[Continue]
Convert VHS to DVD
If your new DVD burner has you thinking about converting your archive of family video tapes, here are a few sites to get you started: DVDR Help Newbies Guide, PC World: Convert Analog Video to Digital, and Lockergnome’s Guide to …[Continue]
Cleaning CDs
When a CD doesn’t play correctly, try washing it gently with warm water and a squirt of liquid dish soap, and then drying it with a clean lint-free towel. This will remove finger prints, but not scratches. If this doesn’t …[Continue]