If you know what to look for it is actually rather easy to tell if you or your child have been targeted as a potential stalking victim. Obviously the signs to recognize online stalking for children are going to vary …[Continue]
Technology Tools That Defeat Online Stalking
When it comes to online stalking and harassment many people don’t realize that there are some types of technology available that you can use to help avoid and prevent online stalking. But the best thing is that not only can …[Continue]
How To Avoid Online Stalking and Harrassment
Most of us adults tend to think that things like online stalking and harassment happen to other people, people who are different from us somehow or who aren’t as smart as us. But the truth of the matter is that …[Continue]
Facebook: What You Need To Know
The following are the things a parent should know about Facebook: 1.What it is for: Facebook is a social networking site that allows people to connect with those in similar social circles, such as people from their high school, people …[Continue]
Safe And Fun Online Chatting
Chat rooms are popular places for a reason. It is a lot of fun to chat with friends and to stay in contact with people that you would not otherwise be able to communicate with. Chat rooms are great places …[Continue]
Tips to Identify, Deal With and Prevent Cyber Bullying
Cyber bullying is a serious problem for many young people these days. Bullying is not just limited to the playground any more. Now bullies have the ability to target your child on their cell phone, home and school computers and …[Continue]
Getting Legal Justice in Cases of Cyberbullying
Cyber bullying has been a growing problem across the United States and internationally over the past several years. Many parents and children have questions about what is being done to prevent it and punish those who commit the offenses. They …[Continue]