There are several Internet safety websites that provide helpful and useful tips to teach your children to be safe online. Before exploring Internet safety websites, you should first become familiar with words commonly used on-line, you should also have a …[Continue]
Your Guide To Internet Safety Websites
The Internet offers children many opportunities for learning, and personal growth. At the same time, parents are concerned about the risks their children face on-line. Parents need to educate themselves and their children about how to use the Internet safely …[Continue]
Look Online For Online Safety
The Internet opens a world of possibilities for children, as well as adults, to expand their horizons and expose them to different cultures and different dangers. It is important to know where to find information online about online safety. Lucky …[Continue]
Navigating MySpace As A Parent
Kids have always loved computers and technology in general. Specifically, online message boards or personal web pages have become extremely popular for kids of today’s generation. They all love it. Kids love sending messages, posting comments, and especially posting pictures. …[Continue]
Your Child’s MySpace Profile And You
It’s really very easy to find your child’s MySpace profile. It may seem like an intimidating task, what with the millions and millions of MySpace profiles that are out there, but never fear. Let’s look at some ways in which …[Continue]
Steps For Finding Your Child’s MySpace Profile
Let’s look at some steps that you can follow to find your child’s MySpace profile, even if they use false information. 1.First of all, if you want to find your child’s MySpace profile you’re going to have to sign up …[Continue]
Tips For Finding A MySpace Profile
Let’s go over some basic tips for finding a MySpace profile. You might be asking one or two things here, such as: Why should I find a MySpace profile in the first place? Doesn’t this imply some sort of invasion …[Continue]
Find and Monitor Your Child’s MySpace Profile
Many parents are turning to their child’s MySpace profile in order to keep tabs on what their child is doing. The world of MySpace can be a good, safe, harmless thing, but it’s also full of sex and drugs and …[Continue]