With privacy concerns all over the news, several mobile handset makers are releasing new models with extra privacy features built-in. But there’s no need to throw your current handset out, as there is plenty you can do with your current …[Continue]
Protect Yourself from Unwanted Surveillance
If the NSA truly wants to compile a dossier about you, these simple tips probably won’t be enough, but they certainly are a good start to avoid unwanted snooping, whether from a government agency or a rouge bad guy. 1) …[Continue]
Google Pushes to Make Email More Private
If you are a Google Gmail user, your email is accessed and transmitted over a secure connection. But not all email providers offer end-to-end email security (which equals privacy), and Google is calling them out with new Safer Email campaign. …[Continue]
What’s Up with the Blue Facebook Dinosaur?
Facebook is testing a proactive approach to user privacy this week with the introduction of a cartoon blue dinosaur. If you haven’t modified your privacy settings in awhile (meaning you are probably several steps behind current best-practices and therefore as …[Continue]
How to Delete Your Facebook Search History
Remember that night you searched for your high school sweetheart? Facebook does. It records all your Facebook searches. And even though the privacy on searches is set to “only me,” you might want to periodically go into your Facebook Activity …[Continue]
Why Did I End Up in a Facebook Closet?
Those of us that keep on eye on such things, have seen an increase in successful password hacks recently. It seems like there’s another high-profile site whose passwords have been exposed every week. If you have an account compromised at …[Continue]
What Facebook Knows About You
Researchers at Cambridge University recently published a study that shows that by aggregating all your Likes on Facebook, an automated algorithm can describe you fairly accurately. Personal traits that can be determined include “race, age, IQ, sexuality, personality, substance use …[Continue]
This Photo will Self Destruct in 10-9-8…
In a world where everything you post online is archived somewhere and saved for eternity, a photo sharing app that destroys your photos/videos within seconds of being received has some appeal. Snapchat is the leader in this field (it was …[Continue]