Behavioral advertising is online advertising based on your history of online activity. For example, if you visit an online shoe vendor, as you travel around the Internet, you might notice ads from that vendor appearing on unrelated, third party sites. …[Continue]
Protecting Your Kids From Social Mapping
“Location, location, location,” is the saying normally quoted by real estate professionals or anyone referring to how important location is with regards to property or real estate. However, it turns out that location is much more important to many people …[Continue]
Understanding Social Mapping
Social mapping is fairly common these days. It’s something you should be paying more attention to as social mapping is complex and there’s a lot you need to know to fully understand what it is and how it affects you. …[Continue]
Keeping Your Kids Safe From Social Mapping
Children play an important role in our society and within their families so protecting them and keeping them safe should be priority one for parents. This is more difficult today than it used to be only a few decades ago …[Continue]
Being Smart About Social Mapping
Social mapping is either affecting you right now or will be sometime in the near future. While you may not understand what it is or how it affects you, you’ll learn more about it as it becomes better known. Social …[Continue]
How to Keep Your Old Facebook Privacy Settings
In a recent announcement, Facebook has made the default privacy setting for status updates visible to “everyone.” What this means is everyone on the Internet, not everyone of your friends. The reason behind the change is Facebook’s desire to increase …[Continue]
Talking to Your Kids About Giving Out Personal Information
These days children know very well how to navigate themselves around the Internet. They use the World Wide Web to research homework assignments, find out what is going on in the world, stay in touch with friends, and play games. …[Continue]
Windows Live Security Breach
Attention Hotmail and MSN users: itt’s time to change your password. According to Neowin, an anonymous hacker posted thousands of Microsoft’s Windows Live Hotmail usernames and passwords. The first list of over 10,000 accounts only includes account names that start …[Continue]