I’ve written about to-do list apps before, but tracking habits is quite different from managing a to-do list. First, all habits are recurring: floss my teeth daily, go to the gym twice a week, or drink water three times a …[Continue]
Productivity Tips
Playback Changes to a Google Doc
If you use Google Docs to create and modify documents in your browser, then this tip is for you! A new Chrome extension, called Draftback plays back your modifications (like a movie) so you can see changes as you made …[Continue]
Are Some Teens Natural Multitaskers?
Previous studies have concluded that multitasking reduces concentration and has a negative effect on outcomes. A new study done by two high-school seniors, however, shows that some teens actually perform better while multitasking. Sarayu Caulfield (17-years old) and Alexandra Ulme …[Continue]
Gmail Tip for Sending Really Big Files
Gmail has an attachment size limit of 25 MG, but recently announced a new feature that allows file sharing of up to 10GB using Google Drive. Here’s how it works. First of all, you need to be composing your message …[Continue]
My Favorite Phone Apps (Part Two)
Here is Part Two of My Favorite Phone Apps post. You can read Part One here. After each review, I list the platforms for which each app is available: Android, iOS, Windows or Blackberry. 5) PicSay Pro. Editing and uploading …[Continue]
My Favorite Phone Apps (Part One)
Since my brother-in-law asked for my favorite phone apps (hat tip to Paul), I thought I’d share my list here with you too. After each app, I list the platforms for which the app is available: Android, iOS, Windows or …[Continue]
Automate Document Processing With Wappwolf
If you find yourself repeatedly doing computer tasks that involve processing documents and images, this tip could save you oodles of time. Wappwolf Automator is an online service that automates document processing using Dropbox, Google Drive, or Box. Some of …[Continue]
How to Send Photos to Dropbox from Your Phone
Does the photo gallery on your smart phone just grow and grow and never make it your desktop computer? Android phone users can make use of the easy-as-pie photo sync feature of t…[Continue]