Few of us realize just how sophisticated our computer software is. It requires amazing amounts of programming and knowledge to get a computer to do the sorts of things that we expect of them. Unfortunately, we also don’t realize just …[Continue]
Best Software to Protect You From Identity Theft
Identity theft is a serious problem in the world today with millions upon millions of dollars lost every year. Honest, hard working people have their savings and income stolen by criminals for whom it is all too easy to obtain …[Continue]
Best Practices to Avoid Identity Theft
Identity theft is a serious issue in the world these days with milliions of victims suffering from terrible losses everyday. If you have been the victim of identity theft you know how terrible it feels. You feel like nothing is …[Continue]
What Identity Theft Statistics Should Mean to You
Identity theft is an alarming problem in our society today. Millions of people suffer from its consequences each year. Something like two hundred and thirty billion dollars a year are snatched from honest people by identity thieves. That’s probably a …[Continue]
What Identity Theft Statistics Can Tell you About an Incident
Most of us have heard about identity theft or been the victim of it. Identity theft affects something like ten million Americans each year, and costs people hundreds of billions of dollars worldwide. The emotional and psychological strain is also …[Continue]
Statistics for Identity Theft Aftermath
Identity theft is a serious problem in our day and age. The invention of the Internet has made it increasingly easy to obtain people’s personal information. There is so much personal information out there and it is there for the …[Continue]
How Someone Can Steal Your Identity Through Your Garbage
Garbage is the least valuable thing you own, right? While this is true in most cases, your garbage could become a major expense if you do not watch out. With all of the bills that we pay and the credit …[Continue]
How Someone Can Steal Your Identity Through Unsecured Payment Sites
Identity theft is a serious problem throughout the world with literally millions of dollars lost each year. Few of us realize just how much identity theft is out there and how it impacts the lives of everyday people at home …[Continue]