Every year something like two hundred and twenty billion dollars are lost in identity theft. Identity theft come out of nowhere and destroys millions of lives and families throughout the world. It happens to both rich and poor with equally …[Continue]
Identity Theft Statistics for the Uses of Stolen Identities
Identity theft is truly a plague in our country today. This problem affects millions and millions of families world wide each year, resulting in something like two hundred and thirty billion dollars lost annually. That is more than the GDP …[Continue]
Identity Theft Statistics for the Careful Consumer
Few of us realize just how serious of a problem identity theft is. There are literally millions of Americans afflicted by this terrible problem each year, with billions of dollars lost in earnings. Identity theft affects people in many ways, …[Continue]
Identity Theft Statistics and the Internet
Identity theft is a serious problem that seems to be getting worse and worse as the Internet gains in popularity. The ease with which information is transmitted online often results in easy identity thefts. Few people suspect that a criminal …[Continue]
Identity Theft Statistics About Victims and Perpetrators
Identity theft is a truly disturbing phenomenon in our world today. Although identity theft has occurred for centuries, it has become a particularly severe problem in the last twenty years as a result of the Internet. This wonderful invention allows …[Continue]
How Someone Can Steal Your Identity Through the Mail
Identity theft results in the loss of millions upon millions of dollars each year. All over the world there are criminals just waiting to get their hands on your personal information and to exploit it for gain. With the invention …[Continue]
How Someone Can Steal your Identity Through the Back Button on your Browser
Identity theft is a serious problem in our day and age, and largely because of the Internet. The Internet has provided us with so many wonderful opportunities for communication and business exchanges. Someone across the world can look at your …[Continue]
How Someone Can Steal Your Identity Through a Phishing Scam
For those of us who are not aware of all the tricks of the Internet and email, identity theft can be a serious problem. Even those of us who have used the Internet for years can be caught off guard …[Continue]